Episode 28

Published on:

7th Feb 2022

S2E9: Spike Lee and Enneagram Type 1 (Part 2)

Mario, TJ and special guest Milton Stewart, Enneagram facilitator, teacher, and coach, continue their exploration of Enneagram Type One, “Striving to Feel Perfect,” through Spike Lee’s films. They discuss the director’s approach in exploring race relations, urban crime, and other political issues through the films, “Malcolm X,” “Get on the Bus,” and “Inside Man.” 

“I just felt that he represented it, once again, the variance and the totality of black people, the message, everything.” - Milton Stewart [08:44]

“Ones in general are constantly trying to improve themselves, but the area of life that’s probably hardest for a One, maybe for anybody at all to do, is to improve their own moral sensibilities.” - TJ Dawe [12:40]

“Each of these movies hits you like a gut punch in a way, and for me, leaves me feeling at the same time both overwhelmed and hopeful in an odd way.” - Mario Sikora [51:06]


[00:04] Intro

[00:32] About “Malcolm X”

[06:23] Hosts’ reactions to the film

[14:37] The scenes in Egypts

[16:21] Use of music

[18:17] Malcolm X: Transmitting One or Six?

[27:22] Next movie: “Get on the Bus”

[30:37] Hosts’ reactions to the film

[34:04] The subtheme of father and son

[35:23] The language in the movie

[44:19] Many different kinds of Black people

[47:15] The twist

[50:48] Overwhelmed and hopeful

[52:20] The final movie: “Inside Man”

[56:05] Hosts’ reactions to the film

[1:00:06] One-ish characters

[1:07:00] The critiques

[1:09:43] Final words

[1:13:03] Outro

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The Awareness to Action Enneagram Podcast

Mario Sikora: 

IG: @mariosikora

Web: mariosikora.com

TJ Dawe:

Web: tjdawe.ca

Milton Stewart:

Web: kaizencareers.com

Pod: doitforthegrampodcast.com

IG: @doitforthegrampodcast

IG: @kaizencareers

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About the Podcast

The Enneagram in a Movie
The Enneagram in a Movie Podcast is a fun and informative way to take a deep dive into understanding the Enneagram.

In the third season of The Enneagram in a Movie podcast, Mario Sikora and TJ Dawe are joined by TJ Ingrassia to explore themes related to the Enneagram in a variety of movies, starting with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

You’ll never see movies—or the Enneagram—the same way!