Episode 32

Published on:

7th Mar 2022

S2E13: Martin Scorsese and Enneagram Type 6 (Part 2)

Mario, TJ and special guest, Russ Hudson, continue their discussion of the films of Martin Scorsese through the lens of Enneagram Type 6, “Striving to Feel Secure.” They talk about the common theme of looking for solid ground, but never trusting that the ground is solid, through the films, “Goodfellas” and “Cape Fear.”

“It gets into the more of the kind of deeper psychoanalytic stuff in Point Six. Many Sixes, when things are not working out well for them, find direction through being against or being persecuted by a bad object to use a psychological language. ‘I don’t know what I’m for, but I know what I’m against. I don’t know who’s my friend, but I know that’s my enemy.’” - Russ Hudson [12:46]

“A big thing that the second half of the movie emphasizes again and again and very much a Six theme is ‘I want to feel secure. I want to know where I stand.’ The second half of the movie makes it clear that even though life in the mafia seems to promise that, it does not deliver.” - TJ Dawe [55:19]

“To me, what that is saying is ‘Don’t get too comfortable. Don’t think that the danger is ever gone. Don’t think that you’re ever safe. Danger lurks out there somewhere.’ And in all of these movies, that’s the theme that comes back and forth. And I think that’s the theme of the Six, and for better or worse. I mean it is a rough world, right. Bad things do happen, and it is good to be safe.” - Mario Sikora [58:20]


[00:04] Intro

[00:34] “Cape Fear”

[06:37] The Six themes in the movie

[12:34] Shared contempt and not-so-subtle religious metaphors

[18:08] The Simpsons and leveraging the discourse between the family

[23:22] The last movie: “Goodfellas”

[28:38] How Point Six is represented

[36:43] Lack of realism in the realism

[38:28] Paranoia in the extreme

[43:10] Characters that are Type Six

[48:23] Stark contrasts and crucifix images

[57:30] The theme that ties the movies together

[59:08] Robert De Niro’s characters as a Type Six

[1:02:59] Outro

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TJ Dawe:

Web: tjdawe.ca

Russ Hudson:

Web: russhudson.com

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About the Podcast

The Enneagram in a Movie
The Enneagram in a Movie Podcast is a fun and informative way to take a deep dive into understanding the Enneagram.

In the third season of The Enneagram in a Movie podcast, Mario Sikora and TJ Dawe are joined by TJ Ingrassia to explore themes related to the Enneagram in a variety of movies, starting with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

You’ll never see movies—or the Enneagram—the same way!