Episode 30

Published on:

21st Feb 2022

S2E11: Steven Spielberg and Enneagram Type 7 (Part 2)

Mario and TJ and special guest Tom Condon, author of The Enneagram Movie & Video Guide, continue their discussion on Enneagram Type Seven, “Striving to Feel Excited,” through the films of Steven Spielberg. They discuss the films, “Jurassic Park” and “Catch Me If You Can,” and the characters and themes that reflect Type Seven.

“That’s another Seven thing is this desire for accessibility. That ‘I just don’t want fun and freedom for myself or for a special crew. I want it for everyone,’ which also speaks to what a populist filmmaker Spielberg has always been.” - TJ Dawe [17:52]

“You almost never see ill-will toward other people in Sevens. They genuinely… You know, they may not love everybody. They may not like everybody, but I almost never see spite and hostility coming from Sevens.” - Mario Sikora [18:19]

“The paradox within Seven is that they’re sensitive to limitations, being bored. When they feel bored, they do what’s called a ‘hypnosis time distortion.’ The time distortion is ‘This feels like it’s going to last forever, and so I’ve got to plan my next trip to Morocco or something’ in order to get away from the forever feeling of it.” - Tom Condon [32:13]


[00:04] Intro

[00:33] “Jurassic Park”

[06:04] Hosts’ thoughts on the film

[16:00] Dr. Hammond as a Seven

[21:08] The omnipresence of CGI

[26:43] Final movie: “Catch Me If You Can”

[30:00] Hosts’ thoughts on the film

[35:02] Christopher Walken’s character

[41:12] The subtypes of the Seven

[43:53] Honorable mention movies

[50:51] A quick Goldie Hawn story

[52:33] How to contact Tom

[53:41] Outro

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Awareness to Action

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The Awareness to Action Enneagram Podcast

Mario Sikora: 

IG: @mariosikora

Web: mariosikora.com

TJ Dawe:

Web: tjdawe.ca

Tom Condon:

Web: thechangeworks.com

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About the Podcast

The Enneagram in a Movie
The Enneagram in a Movie Podcast is a fun and informative way to take a deep dive into understanding the Enneagram.

In the third season of The Enneagram in a Movie podcast, Mario Sikora and TJ Dawe are joined by TJ Ingrassia to explore themes related to the Enneagram in a variety of movies, starting with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

You’ll never see movies—or the Enneagram—the same way!