Episode 20

Published on:

6th Dec 2021

S2 E1: Clint Eastwood and Enneagram Type Nine (Part 1)

For Season Two, hosts Mario Sikora and TJ Dawe will explore the Enneagram through the lens of movie directors whose work demonstrates themes related to the nine Enneagram types and three instinctual biases. In this season premiere, Mario and TJ discuss Type Nine through Clint Eastwood and the first of four movies, “The Outlaw Josey Wales.” While known for his tough-guy roles as cops, cowboys, and soldiers, Clint Eastwood as a director actually illustrates the fundamental elements of Enneagram Type Nine.

“And I think in real life, Eastwood is this transmitting Nine, right? When you see interviews with him, he’s engaging, he’s expressive. You can tell, even though he’s humble, there’s a part of him that likes the limelight. You don’t step up and make a 70-year career being in front of camera if you don’t have some urge to transmit and be noticed. So we should say that he’s humble for a Hollywood actor.” - Mario Sikora [26:18]

“He’s incredibly prolific. He’s 91. He’s still going as of this recording. He just doesn’t seem to run out of stories to tell. He’s still transmitting.” - TJ Dawe [29:23]


[00:04] Intro

[01:03] What they are doing this season

[01:40] Meet TJ

[03:07] The featured director: Clint Eastwood

[05:54] The perception of Clint Eastwood

[08:58] Clint Eastwood the actor

[18:27] A degree of personal dignity

[21:40] The goal of Season Two

[22:28] What it means to be an Enneagram Type Nine

[27:17] The tension between the transmitting and preserving

[30:43] A couple of facts about Clint Eastwood

[37:31] Four movies and honorable mentions

[42:57] “The Outlaw Josey Wales”

[47:29] What’s Nine-ish in this movie

[56:34] Ten Bears and Fletcher

[1:00:41] Outro

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The Awareness to Action Enneagram Podcast

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TJ Dawe:

Web: tjdawe.ca

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About the Podcast

The Enneagram in a Movie
The Enneagram in a Movie Podcast is a fun and informative way to take a deep dive into understanding the Enneagram.

In the third season of The Enneagram in a Movie podcast, Mario Sikora and TJ Dawe are joined by TJ Ingrassia to explore themes related to the Enneagram in a variety of movies, starting with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

You’ll never see movies—or the Enneagram—the same way!