Episode 16

Published on:

6th May 2021

S1E16: Rocky, Rocky Balboa, Creed, and the Inner Triangle of the Enneagram (Part 1)

S1E16: “Rocky, Rocky Balboa, Creed, and the Inner Triangle of the Enneagram” (Part 1) The Enneagram is both a model of “kinds” of people and a model of each of us. That is, we can point to different “Ennea-types” and understand why people are different, but we can also use the Enneagram to understand different aspects of ourselves. In this podcast, we use three of the films from the venerable “Rocky” series” to describe the dynamics of the inner triangle of the Enneagram, deeper insights into Ennea-types Nine, Three, and Six, and the Core Qualities of the Awareness to Action Enneagram. Join us as we explore how the life arc of this beloved movie character can teach us much more than we ever realized. (The discussion continues in the next episode.)
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About the Podcast

The Enneagram in a Movie
The Enneagram in a Movie Podcast is a fun and informative way to take a deep dive into understanding the Enneagram.

In the third season of The Enneagram in a Movie podcast, Mario Sikora and TJ Dawe are joined by TJ Ingrassia to explore themes related to the Enneagram in a variety of movies, starting with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

You’ll never see movies—or the Enneagram—the same way!